2021 Calendar
Click Here to Read CambridgeHFT Covid Statement.
Required for attendance.
Click Here For Next Shoot Days
Competitions Have Resumed, Social Distancing and respect for others will be Enforced on site.
UK Rules 2nd Week of the Month
Cambridge Rules 4th Week of the Month
Club Member Rates £5
Visitor Rates £10
Tels Catering Van On-Site
!! Booking in CLOSES at 9.30am !!
Booking in 8-9.30
Safety Brief @ 9.55am
Shotgun start after Safety Brief (Normally) 10am
Covid-19 measures remain in place, Rule of 6 Still in play.
General Info
Please note, The track has been improved over lockdown.
Please do not arrive on site before 8am
Signing in CLOSES at 9:30am
Do NOT knock at the bungalow, if the gates locked, please call.
Click Here to Read CambridgeHFT Covid Statement.
Required for attendance.
Click Here For Next Shoot Days
Competitions Have Resumed, Social Distancing and respect for others will be Enforced on site.
UK Rules 2nd Week of the Month
Cambridge Rules 4th Week of the Month
Club Member Rates £5
Visitor Rates £10
Tels Catering Van On-Site
!! Booking in CLOSES at 9.30am !!
Booking in 8-9.30
Safety Brief @ 9.55am
Shotgun start after Safety Brief (Normally) 10am
Covid-19 measures remain in place, Rule of 6 Still in play.
General Info
Please note, The track has been improved over lockdown.
Please do not arrive on site before 8am
Signing in CLOSES at 9:30am
Do NOT knock at the bungalow, if the gates locked, please call.

Hello and welcome to the Cambridge HFT homepage. This website will tell you a bit more about us, what we do and how you can come and join in. We hope to see you soon!
Cambridge HFT prides itself on being a friendly sociable club accessible to all regardless of age and experience. We have a thriving membership that ranges from novice juniors right up to our senior contingent. Some of our members shoot purely for fun and others have achieved National and International success. Our current membership boasts a former UKAHFT Ladies Champion along with the current and two former World Championships .22 class winners.
Anyone is welcome to come along and have a go; either bring your own air rifle or you can loan the clubs AirArms S200 or S400 club rifle.
If you are a total novice to HFT, do not be worried about turning up and asking questions about choice of rifle, clothing etc. All our shooters are willing to give advice and to let you try their rifles. If you have not shot an HFT course before or are unsure what to do, tell the person at the ‘check-in’ and you will be placed with an experienced shooter or shooters who will be more than pleased to show you the ropes.
We meet on the second and fourth Sunday of the month at our woodland ranges in Shepreth, near Royston in Cambridgeshire. Booking in starts at 8:00am and closes at 9:30am. The Competition starts at 10:00am. Shooting has usually finished by about 1:30pm, and the prize presentations take place shortly after all cards are in and scores counted, with any shoot-offs completed.
Our HFT courses are usually set in two areas of woodland; the one on the left that you passed on your way down the track and the woods surrounding the HQ. We also have a large plinking / zeroing range at the HQ woods.
Cambridge HFT prides itself on being a friendly sociable club accessible to all regardless of age and experience. We have a thriving membership that ranges from novice juniors right up to our senior contingent. Some of our members shoot purely for fun and others have achieved National and International success. Our current membership boasts a former UKAHFT Ladies Champion along with the current and two former World Championships .22 class winners.
Anyone is welcome to come along and have a go; either bring your own air rifle or you can loan the clubs AirArms S200 or S400 club rifle.
If you are a total novice to HFT, do not be worried about turning up and asking questions about choice of rifle, clothing etc. All our shooters are willing to give advice and to let you try their rifles. If you have not shot an HFT course before or are unsure what to do, tell the person at the ‘check-in’ and you will be placed with an experienced shooter or shooters who will be more than pleased to show you the ropes.
We meet on the second and fourth Sunday of the month at our woodland ranges in Shepreth, near Royston in Cambridgeshire. Booking in starts at 8:00am and closes at 9:30am. The Competition starts at 10:00am. Shooting has usually finished by about 1:30pm, and the prize presentations take place shortly after all cards are in and scores counted, with any shoot-offs completed.
Our HFT courses are usually set in two areas of woodland; the one on the left that you passed on your way down the track and the woods surrounding the HQ. We also have a large plinking / zeroing range at the HQ woods.
We have a hot food and drink wagon on site so tea, coffee, bacon baps and burgers are available to help keep mind and body together!